Russula subfoetens

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Russula subfoetens Wm. G. Sm. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 5–10cm across, rounded then with a depressed centre, margin coarsely tuberculate-striate, viscid when wet; dull honey-yellow to brownish. Stem 50–90×10–25mm, narrowing near base; pale honey-yellow; firm. Flesh pale straw, yellowing when cut, and turning bright golden in KOH; smell slightly unpleasant, fetid, taste hot in cap cuticle but mild in flesh. Gills adnate; cream-yellow, often brown-spotted. Spores 7–9×5–6µ, elliptical-ovate; warts 0.3–0.71µ high, few connectives. Spore print pale cream (C–D). Habitat in mixed woods; summer to early autumn, generally only in warm years. Uncommon. Not edible. Note field photograph (f) taken by Geoffrey Kibby.