Oakbug Milkcap

Lactarius quietus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Oakbug Milkcap Lactarius quietus (Fr.) Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 3–8cm across, convex, later flattened or with a shallow depression; dull reddish-brown with cinnamon tints, often with a few indistinct darker concentric bands or spotting; dry and matt, not sticky when moist. Stem 40–90×10–15mm, more or less cylindrical; coloured as cap or darker; often hollow, often furrowed lengthwise, matt. Flesh whitish buff; thick and firm in cap. Gills slightly decurrent; brownish white, later pale reddish-brown with a slight mauvy bloom. Milk white or slightly creamy; taste mild or slightly bitterish, smell slightly oily or suggesting bugs. Spores 7.5–9×6.5–7.5¼, ovate; warts mostly joined by ridges forming a well-developed network. Spore print cream (C) with slight salmon tinge. Habitat with oak; autumn. Very common. Edible.