Macrolepiota excoriata

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Macrolepiota excoriata (Schaeff.) Wasser syn. Lepiota excoriata (Schaef.) P. Kumm. (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 6–10cm across, ovate at first then convex and slightly umbonate; covered in fine, adpressed ochre-buff scales on a white ground. Stem 40–60×8–10mm, slightly thickened at the base; white; smooth; ring narrow and persistent. Flesh white; smell none. Gills white to cream. Spores oval, 12–15×8–9¼. Spore print white to pale ochraceous. Habitat in pasture; late summer to late autumn. Occasional. Edible but avoid, as it can easily be confused with poisonous white-capped species.