Tawny Funnel

Lepista flaccida

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Tawny Funnel Lepista flaccida (Sowerby) Pat. syn. Clitocybe flaccida (Sowerby) P. Kumm (illustrated 55% life size) Cap 5–9cm across, flattened-convex at first, then broadly funnel-shaped; pale ochraceous-buff, darkening to tawny with age. Stem 25–50×5–10mm; paler than the cap; becoming hollow, woolly at the base. Flesh pale cream to tan; thin. Gills deeply decurrent, narrow, crowded; whitish-yellow. Spores 4–4.5×3.5–4¼, subglobose, minutely roughened. Spore print white. Habitat in leaf litter in deciduous or coniferous woods, often in clustered groups; summer to early winter. Very common. Edible poor. Note many mycologists consider C. inversa (Scop.) Quél. to be a synonym of this, others consider them separate species.