Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) aleuriosmus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) aleuriosmus Maire syn. C. caroviolaceus P.D. Orton (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 4–12cm across, convex then expanded, margin incurved; white initially, soon pale ochre-buff, paler at the margin; viscid, often with adpressed white scales of velar remnants. Stem 50–80×10–15mm, 20–40mm wide at marginate bulb; white then yellowish, apex rarely tinged bluish at first. Flesh white then pallid or yellowish, sometimes tinged violaceous in stem apex; taste mild, smell strong, unpleasant. Gills adnate to free; white then pale clay, finally ochre- to rusty buff. Spores 9–11×5.5–7¼, almond- to lemon-shaped, rough. Spore print rust. Habitat in beech woods on chalk; autumn. Very rare, vulnerable on Red Data List. Suspect avoid.