Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) amoenolens

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) amoenolens Rob. Henry ex P.D. Orton (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 3–13cm across, convex or obtuse, margin inrolled and often covered in remains of veil or cortina; straw-yellow to ochre, sometimes with an olivaceous or tawny flush. Stem 45–140×10–22mm, 15–45mm across at immarginate or rounded marginate bulb; violaceous at first, then fading to whitish, bulb covered in ochraceous patches of the veil; cortina whitish to violaceous. Flesh whitish in cap and bulb, intensely violaceous in stem, especially at apex; taste of flesh mild, cap cuticle bitter, smell fruity, like plums. Gills adnate to free; deep violet when young, later becoming clay, but never rusty. Spores 9–12×5.5–7¼, lemon-shaped, distinctly roughened. Spore print rust. Habitat in beech woods, usually on chalk; autumn. Uncommon. Suspect avoid.