Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) rufo-olivaceus (Pers.) Fr. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 6–10cm across, convex to broadly umbonate, margin incurved at first; reddish-copper, margin violet at first and paler; shiny when dry. Stem 50–90×12–20mm; 20–40mm wide at marginate bulb; whitish to violaceous or more rarely greenish-yellow, later tinged with cap colour from base up. Flesh whitish, tinged violaceous beneath cap cuticle, slightly reddish-purple in stem base; taste bitter, smell slight. Gills adnate to free; greenish to lemon-yellow, then olivaceous-rusty, finally dark rust; in one variety, very young gills can be violet. Spores 11–13×6.5–7.5¼, almond-shaped, rough. Spore print rust. Habitat in deciduous woods, especially with beech on chalk; autumn. Rare, vulnerable on Red Data List. Suspect avoid.