Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) citrinus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

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Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) citrinus J.E. Lange ex P.D. Orton syn. C. pseudosulphureus Rob. Henry ex Orton (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 4–7cm across, hemispherical then convex to flat; a mixture of lemon-yellow and yellow-brown tones; glutinous. Stem 40–70×8–12mm, with distinct marginate bulb; greenish to lemon yellow. Flesh lemon-yellow, no reaction with KOH; taste mild, smell distinct, odd, faintly unpleasant. Gills adnate; for a long time greenish-yellow, then more rusty. Spores 8.5–9.8×5–5.5¼, almond-shaped. Spore print rusty brown. Habitat in mixed woods on limestone; autumn. Very rare, vulnerable on Red Data List. Not edible.