Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) multiformis

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) multiformis Fr. (illustrated 25% life size) Cap 4–10cm across, convex at first, expanding to flat; ochraceous-buff to ferruginous-orange; viscid, white hoary layer when young. Stem 40–90×10–20mm, at first with a marginate bulb, which usually becomes just a swollen clavate bulb as the stem expands; white then ochre. Flesh pallid, with touches of ochre; taste mild, smell slight, sweetish. Gills adnate; pallid cream at first, then buff, at length rusty. Spores 8–10×5–6¼, ovoid, lightly roughened. Spore print red-brown. Habitat in coniferous woods; late summer to autumn. Rare, vulnerable on Red Data List. Not edible.