Cortinarius (Sericeocybe) caninus (Fr.) Fr. (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 3–10cm across, convex, domed; at first buff with a hint of violet then more rust-brown; dry, smooth. Stem 60–120×8–18mm, clavate, swollen below; violet near apex at first, then white with delicate bands or touches of brown veil. Flesh pallid, with violet near stem apex; taste mild, smell slight. Gills adnexed; violet at first, then pallid rusty brown. Spores 7–8.1×5.7–6.8¼, subglobose to broadly pip-shaped, roughened. Spore print rusty brown. Habitat in coniferous or broad-leaved woods; late summer to autumn. Uncommon. Not edible.