Hebeloma senescens

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

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Hebeloma senescens Sacc. syn. H. edurum Métrod ex Bon (illustrated 55% life size) Cap 3–10cm across, convex, margin inrolled, edge wrinkled to furrowed when young; pale cream-ochre to hazel-brown at the centre, to pale pinkish; dry. Stem 30–100×10–20mm, base swollen, slightly rooting, difficult to dig up intact; whitish to pale clay; fibrous, veil present. Flesh white; taste mild to slightly radishy, smell faint, like cocoa, or absent. Gills sinuate; whitish at first, becoming dull milky coffee. Spores 9–12×5–6.5¼, almond-shaped, warty. Spore print pale brown. Habitat in circles around pine trees; autumn. Uncommon. Not edible suspect.