Galerina mniophila

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Galerina mniophila (Lasch) Kühner (illustrated 75% life size) Cap 1–1.5cm across, bell-shaped; dirty yellowish-brown and distinctly striate when moist, drying pallid clay. Stem 40–80×2mm; whitish at apex in young specimens, pale yellowish-brown below. Flesh concolorous; smell mealy. Gills adnate; pale ochraceous, then dingy yellowish-brown. Spores 9.5–13×5.5–7¼, almond-shaped, faintly ornamented. Spore print ochre. Cheilocystidia thin-walled, with swollen base and long, obtuse neck, hyaline. Habitat amongst moss in damp woods; autumn. Occasional. Unknown edibility.