Naucoria subconspersa

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Naucoria subconspersa P.D. Orton (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 0.5–3cm across; umber to date-brown, drying pale ochraceous-tan, striate near the margin when moist. Stem 30–50×2–5mm; concolorous with cap, darkening towards the base; slightly white silky fibrillose. Flesh brown to tan; taste mild, smell not distinctive. Gills adnexed; brownish to tan. Spores (9)10–14×5–6.5¼, almond-shaped, rough. Spore print brown. Cheilocystidia thin-walled, with swollen base and narrow neck, terminating in acute apex. Habitat with alders; autumn. Frequent. Not edible. Note in my first book this picture was named N. scolecina (Fr.) Quél., but Reid (1984) has now assigned all but one of the collections under that name to N. subconspersa.