Agaricus altipes

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Agaricus altipes (F.H. Møller) Pilát (illustrated 35% life size) Cap 4–7cm across, convex to broadly flattened; white to faintly buff on disc; smooth to slightly tomentose-floccose. Stem 80–100×12–20mm, equal to slightly clavate; white, bruising faintly pinkish-buff colour; fibrillose below; ring high on stem, white, thin, fragile, simple. Flesh white, bruising flesh-colour; firm; taste and smell mild. Gills free, crowded; bright rosy pink when young, brown when old. Spores 6.5–7.5×4.5–5.5¼, ovate. Spore print deep chocolate-brown. Habitat in grass in mixed woods, mostly with conifers; early autumn. Very rare. Edible. Note this collection agreed with the original description very well except for lacking a disagreeable smell; this may have been missed if the flesh was not bruised or if the specimens were too young.