Mountain Brownie

Psilocybe montana

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Mountain Brownie Psilocybe montana (Pers.) P. Kumm. (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 0.5–2.5cm across, convex to umbonate; deep reddish-brown, drying paler; smooth, slightly tacky. Stem 25–50×1.5mm; dark brown; smooth; taste and smell not distinctive. Gills adnate, distant; reddish-brown. Spores 5.5–8×4–5¼, elliptical, with germ pore at tip. Spore print purple-brown. Occasional, but common in Scandinavia. Habitat in moss in mountainous areas; summer to early autumn. Not edible although a member of a genus with many hallucinogenic mushrooms, this species is not known to be active.