Fairy Inkcap or Trooping Crumble Cap Coprinus disseminatus

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By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Fairy Inkcap or Trooping Crumble Cap Coprinus disseminatus (Pers.) Gray (illustrated 90% life size) Cap 0.5–1.5cm high, ovate at first, expanding to convex or bell-shaped; pale buff with buff or fulvous centre; deeply grooved, fragile. Stem 15–40×1–3mm; white, with buff tinge near the base, which is covered in white down. Flesh smell none. Gills free; white then umber, finally black but not deliquescing. Spores 7–9.5×4–5¼, elliptical to almond-shaped. Spore print date-brown or umber. Dermatocystidia 75–200×20–30¼, blunt cylindrical with swollen base, thin-walled. Habitat in large groups (often of hundreds) on stumps of broad-leaved trees or on soil nearby; late spring to late autumn. Common. Edible but not worth considering due to its small size.