Weeping Bolete

Suillus granulatus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Weeping Bolete Suillus granulatus (L.) Roussel (illustrated 50% life size) Cap 3–9cm across; rusty brown to yellowish; viscid, shiny when dry. Stem 35–80×7–10mm; lemon-yellow, flushed vinaceous to coral towards the base, the upper region covered in white or pale yellow granules which exude pale, milky droplets. Flesh lemon-yellow, lemon-chrome in stem, paler in cap; taste and smell slight but pleasant. Tubes buff to pale yellow, unchanging. Pores small; colouring similar to tubes, exuding pale, milky droplets. Spores 8–10×2.5–3.5¼, subfusiform-elliptical. Spore print ochraceous-sienna. Habitat with conifers; late autumn. Frequent. Edible.