Albatrellus ovinus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Albatrellus ovinus (Schaeff.) Murrill (illustrated 45% life size) Cap 5–15cm across, usually single but sometimes several fused together, circular to more irregular when fused, convex at first, then becoming depressed, dish-shaped; white to pale buff or tan; dry, smooth, or a little scaly with age. Stem 20–75×10–30mm, slightly swollen, pointed at the base, usually central; white, bruising pinkish; smooth. Flesh 5–20mm thick; white, drying yellowish; firm; taste mild, sometimes slightly bitter, smell pleasant, fungusy, aromatic. Tubes 1–2mm deep, decurrent; white. Pores 2–4 per mm, angular; white to yellowish. Spores 3–4.5×3–3.5¼, subglobose-elliptical. Spore print white. Hyphal structure monomitic. Habitat on the ground with conifers, especially silver fir, pine, and spruce; winter to summer, annual. Very rare in Britain, better known from Europe. Edible. Note A. confluens (Fr.) Kotlaba & Pouz. is similar but darker, orange-hued, and bitter.