Bondarzewia montana (Quél.) Singer (illustrated 40% life size) Cap up to 11cm across, 1cm thick, convex, becoming flat and sunken, singly or several on a branched stem; purplish-brown or ochraceous-brown; scurfy or finely felty, becoming wrinkled. Stem up to 120×40mm, central or off-centre, rooting; brown; velvety. Flesh cream-coloured; firm, hard. Odour pleasant, nutlike. Tubes up to 2mm deep, often decurrent, continuous with flesh; cream-coloured. Pores 1–3 per mm, angular; surface cream. Spores 6–8×5–7¼, globose to subglobose, ornamented with irregular, short ridges; amyloid. Spore print white. Hyphal structure dimitic. Habitat on the roots of silver fir, especially at high elevations; autumn. Rare in mainland Europe, not recorded for Britain. Edible.