Cinnamon Porecrust

Phellinus ferreus

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Cinnamon Porecrust Phellinus ferreus (Pers.) Bourdot & Galzin syn. Polyporus ferreus Pers. (illustrated 50% life size) Fruit body resupinate, initially forming small cushions 1–2mm across, later fusing to form a crust up to 20cm across; cinnamon-yellow, becoming cinnamon-brown on fusing. Flesh rusty brown. Tubes 2–5mm long in each of the 4–5 layers; rusty brown. Pores 4–6 per mm, circular to angular; rusty cinnamon. Spores 5–6.5×2–2.5¼, cylindrical; hyaline. Setae fusiform with acute apex, thick-walled; dark brown. Habitat on dead branches of deciduous wood, especially on hazel, causing an intensive white rot which rapidly destroys the wood; perennial. Common. Not edible.