Blue Tooth

Hydnellum caeruleum

Appears in

By Roger Phillips

Published 2006

  • About

Blue Tooth Hydnellum caeruleum (Hornem.) P. Karst. (illustrated 35% life size) Fruit body single or fused with others. Cap 3–11cm across, convex to depressed; at first white, often with a blue margin, at length yellowish- to rusty-brown; velvety to matted. Flesh zoned bluish in cap, orange-brown in stem; smell of cucumber when cut. Spines 1–5mm long; bluish then white, finally purplish-brown. Spores 5.5–6×3.5–4.5¼, irregularly lobed and warted. Spore print brown. Hyphae with clamp connections. Habitat conifer woods, confined to Highland pine forest; autumn. Uncommon. Vulnerable on Red Data List, a conserved species on the Biodiversity Action Plan. Not edible.