Violet Coral Clavaria zollingeri Lév. (illustrated 65% life size) Fruit body 2–7cm high, forming densely branched tufts, usually branching up to 4 times; lilac-violet with lighter-coloured base. Flesh brittle. Spores 4–7×3–5¼, smooth, elliptical to subglobose; white. Basidia 4-spored. Habitat on the ground in damp woodland areas, often with sphagnum moss; autumn. Uncommon, vulnerable on Red Data List. Unknown edibility. Note this is a variable fungus that is sometimes confused with Clavulina amethystina sensu auct. mult., which has numerous branches, larger spores, and 2-spored basidia. In my first book this photograph was named Clavulina amethystina.