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Dried Mushrooms (Chinese Black, Porcini, Shiitake)

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By Jeffrey Alford and Naomi Duguid

Published 1998

  • About

dried mushrooms (Chinese black, porcini, shiitake) Dried shiitakes are used as a flavoring in Japanese dishes, particularly in colder weather. Dried black mushrooms are also used in Chinese cooking and are believed to strengthen the blood. Buy dried shiitakes at a Japanese or Korean grocery and dried Chinese mushrooms in large clear cellophane bags at a Chinese grocery. The ones with a light-colored pattern of cracks on their caps are most prized, though the darker ones also have good flavor. Italian cuisine makes use of dried porcini, since, like other dried mushrooms, they keep well and are strongly flavored. Soak in warm water before using and use the soaking water to add extra flavor to a broth or other dish.

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