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Cellar: Contents

Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

There is little point in devoting space and capital to storing wine unless it is difficult or expensive to replace (such as an en primeur rarity), or will positively improve as a result of bottle ageing. It may therefore be worthwhile keeping the last bottle of nuptial champagne or holiday souvenir purely for sentimental reasons, but in general it is wise to be ruthless about cellar space. Space in wine books and magazines is often devoted to a concept called the ‘ideal cellar’ and the recommendations usually make interesting reading, but in truth there is no such thing and an individual’s ideal depends entirely on his or her tastes and consumption patterns. Even the advice that non-vintage champagne is always improved by a year or so in a personal cellar may be questionable in an era of champagne glut.

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