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Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

Dubourdieu, a father and son of particular importance in the history of white winemaking in bordeaux. The father Pierre (1923–), owner—with son Denis—of Ch Doisy-Daëne in barsac, produced the first dry white wine in the sauternes area and it is still made today. He was also instrumental in helping the Vaslin company improve the action of their grape presses and he has clearly been an inspiration to his son Denis, co-oenology editor of this book, with whom he has worked on many experiments.

Denis Dubourdieu (1949–) is a research scientist at the University of bordeaux, and owner and winemaker at Ch Reynon in cadillac côtes de bordeaux, Clos Floridène and Ch Haura in the Graves, and Ch Doisy-Daëne and Ch Cantegril in barsac. In 2014 he bought Ch Doisy-Dubroca, a small classified estate next to Doisy-Daëne. He is also, with his associates Dr Valérie Lavigne and Christophe Olivier, an international consultant in oenology.

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