Published 2006
Central Otago grows New Zealand’s, and the world’s, most southerly grapevines, some of them cultivated south of the 45th parallel. It is New Zealand’s only wine region with a continental climate, providing greater diurnal and seasonal temperature variability than any other. Most Central Otago vines are planted on hillside vineyards to give better sun exposure and reduce frost risk. No other New Zealand wine region is as dependent on a single grape variety. Pinot Noir represents nearly 75% of the region’s vines with Pinot Gris a distant second and Riesling in third place; this is one of New Zealand’s very few Sauvignon Blanc-free zones. The growth in vineyard area, and development of new districts within the larger region, have been extraordinary. The now crowded valley at Gibbston was, with Wanaka, one of the orginal areas to be planted with vines as recently as the early 1980s. Bannockburn is widely regarded as the most successful district although subsequently planted vineyards in the Cromwell/Bendigo and Alexandra districts may challenge Bannockburn’s crown. Central Otago’s often voluptuous and intensely fruity Pinot Noir has helped put New Zealand red wine on the world map. The wines from this youthful and very experimental area have evolved rapidly in quality with potential for further gain.