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Appears in
Oxford Companion to Wine

By Jancis Robinson

Published 2006

  • About

Valdepeñas, wine region in castilla-la mancha in south central Spain producing soft, ripe red wines. The sea of rolling vineyards that is Valdepeñas is really an extension of la mancha (see map under spain), but Valdepeñas has developed a reputation for quality over and above its larger neighbour and has consequently earned a separate denomination, or do. Physical conditions in Valdepeñas are similar to those in La Mancha. The Sierra Morena dividing castile from andalucía immediately to the south is a barrier to the moderating influence of the Mediterranean. At an elevation of 700 m/2,300 ft above sea level, Valdepeñas shares the arid, continental conditions that prevail through much of central Spain.

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