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For large oblongs (from 12 oz to 1¾ lb/340 to 790 g)

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By Culinary Institute of America

Published 2015

  • About
  1. Position the dough so one long edge is parallel to the edge of the work surface.
  2. Stretch the dough into a rectangle 10 in/25 cm long. Fold the left and right edges of the rectangle into the center of the dough, pressing the dough lightly with your fingertips.
  3. Fold the top edge of the dough down to the center of the dough, pressing lightly with your fingertips. Fold the top of the dough down to the bottom edge. Seal the two edges together, using the heel of your hand.
  4. Roll the dough into an even cylinder 6 in/15 cm long.

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