Position the dough so one long edge is parallel to the edge of the work surface.
Fold the top edge of the dough down to the bottom edge. Using the heel of your hand, seal the two edges together. Rotate the dough 90 degrees.
Fold the top edge of the dough down to the bottom edge. Using the heel of your hand, seal the two edges together.
Place your hand over the ball of dough and curl your fingers so that the first knuckles of your fingers are touching the table. Your fingertips should almost be touching the palm of your hand, and your thumb should be out to the side and touching the table; the heel of your hand should also be touching the table. The dough should be sitting near the top of your palm, near your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger.
Using your palm, push the dough away from you in an arc to the right. Using your fingertips, pull the dough toward you in an arc to the left. Repeat this circular motion, applying gentle pressure while rounding the dough, to create a tight, smooth ball.