Cleaning and Preparing Squid

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By Ken Hom

Published 1981

  • About
Cleaning squid is not difficult, but it takes time. Fortunately, it can be done hours ahead. Properly cooked, squid has a firm texture, not unlike lobster, and a mild flavor. The Chinese often call it “poor man’s lobster,” as it is one of the least expensive seafoods available.
  1. Place the squid flat on a cutting board. With one hand hold the body, and with the other pull out the tentacles. The inner matter of the squid will come with them.

  2. Cut the tentacles just below the eye.

  3. With your finger, remove the beak.

  4. Split the body lengthwise, but don’t cut all the way through.

  5. You should just cut through one layer so that the squid can be opened up.

  6. Lift out the semitransparent “quill” and any remaining jellylike inner matter.

  7. Starting at one end, remove the purple-spotted skin with your fingers.

  8. It pulls off easily, but it may not come off in one piece.

  9. Score the squid in two directions lightly.

  10. The crisscross pattern of scoring tenderizes the squid and makes it look more attractive when it is cooked.