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What Is Texture?

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The Dessert Architect

By Robert Wemischner

Published 2009

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It’s easier to define texture by using adjectives that describe the sensation or impressions one gets when tasting the dessert. When considering the overall textural impression of a particular dessert, or the parts of a dessert separately, adjectives can seem imprecise or subjective. But if you asked an individual to describe what texture is being perceived when tasting a dessert, the responses will most likely include such adjectives as shown on the following chart.

Why is it important to identify the textures of your dessert’s elements? Any dessert considered complete and satisfying from the point of view of “mouth feel” will include at least two of the characteristics on the following chart. When you design your own desserts, you should first choose flavors of ingredients that work well together, and next consider elements from a textural point of view. All multicomponent desserts should include a combination of textures, with each one perceivable, even if subconsciously, by the person consuming it.

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