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By Auguste Escoffier

Published 1903

  • About

Without actually altering the basic principles, a Velouté can be used to replace Sauce Béchamel as the thickening agent for a cream soup except where the soup is required to be completely meatless.

It is advised that moderation is exercised in the use of Sauce Béchamel and to simplify the work it is suggested that it may be replaced by:

  • 1) a thickening of arrowroot or other suitable starch, using 75 g (2½ oz) per 1 litre (1¾ pt or 4½ U.S. cups) milk or

  • 2) a light panada obtained by simmering 150 g (5 oz) sliced French bread in 9 dl (1⅗ pt or 4 U.S. cups) milk for 15 minutes; this gives 1 litre of panada.

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