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New Hakka Classic

Hakka Little Stir-fry

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By Linda Anusasananan

Published 2012

  • About

客 家 小 炒 Hakka: Hakka seow chow; Mandarin: ke jia xiao chao

No one knows exactly how Hakka little Stir-fry was invented. One story claims that a Hakka hostess had many leftovers after a party. With frugality in her genes, she didn’t want to waste the food, so she created this new dish, adding some Chinese celery and Stir-frying it to add fragrance.

Another tale has roots in Taoist culture. On the first and fifteenth of the month, worshippers gave an offering of pork belly, dried squid, green onions, and sometimes tofu at the temple or at home. Afterward, the offering was stir-fried with soy sauce and eaten.

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