Every now and then I find my refrigerator simply overflowing with leftovers, and it is usually on Sunday, with the accumulation of the week’s family meals and dinner parties. Then it is time to make a clean sweep, and this menu with its stack of filled omelets is the ideal way to do just that. My suggestions for fillings are only an idea, based on what a busy kitchen tends to produce: leftover vegetables, stray bits of cheese, a teacup with the last bit of tomato sauce, one hard-boiled egg. Any kind of filling will really do as long as it will spread and still hold its shape. Since a number of omelets are required, they can be done in advance. And should you not have a dozen eggs on hand, the perfect solution is to do the dish with crêpes instead; instructions for this follow the master recipe. Certainly this is what we might do in wintertime in France, because crêpes use one-third the amount of eggs; winter eggs, while the chickens are molting and laying less often, are quite expensive.