Marché Bastille

Appears in
My Paris Market Cookbook

By Emily Dilling

Published 2015

  • About
Boulevard Richard Lenoir, 75011 M° Richard Lenoir (Line 5) Open: Thursday and Sunday, 7:00 A.M.–2:30 P.M.

Shopping at M. and Mme. Baudry's stand at Marché Bastille.

Along the tree-lined boulevard Richard Lenoir in the 11th arrondissement, autumn leaves turn a rusty red and fall and tumble amidst the bustling stands of the Marché Bastille. Starting near the famous monument to the fallen prison and continuing along the boulevard on an island spotted with parks, fountains, and benches, the market attracts both locals with stalks of leeks poking out of bags and backpacks and tourists with their cameras at the ready. The friendly rapport between vendors and shoppers makes one feel instantly at home in this charming and chatty market that is home to a handful of local farmers.