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Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

  • About
Air is incorporated into all doughs and batters during mixing. The formation of air cells is important even in products leavened by yeast or baking powder because the air cells collect and hold the leavening gases.
Some products are leavened mostly or entirely by air. In these products, air is incorporated into the batter primarily by two methods: creaming and foaming. This air expands during baking and leavens the products.
  1. Creaming is the process of beating fat and sugar together to incorporate air. It is an important technique in cake and cookie making. Some pound cakes and cookies are leavened almost entirely by this method.
  2. Foaming is the process of beating eggs, with or without sugar, to incorporate air. Foams made with whole eggs are used to leaven sponge cakes, while angel food cakes, meringues, and soufflés are leavened with egg white foams.

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