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Examples of Dessert Presentations

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Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

  • About
The techniques and recipes presented in other chapters of this book and in the first part of this chapter give you the tools to prepare an unlimited variety of modern, stylish desserts.

This section follows a format similar to the one used to explain the procedures for preparing gâteaux and torten that begins. In other words, no new recipes are required; individual components—as prepared from recipes elsewhere in this book—are assembled and arranged as indicated.

The following presentations are merely a few suggestions, selected to provide a sampling of ideas using different types of desserts and a variety of styles of arrangement. In order to give you realistic and practical information, the plating and garnish styles selected for this chapter are a reflection of currently popular styles and are similar to desserts actually served in a variety of North American and European restaurants. Chefs derive inspiration from one another’s work and often create presentations by combining their own ideas with existing styles and plating concepts.

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