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Grilled Meats

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By James Peterson

Published 1991

  • About

Grilled meats are traditionally served with stock-based sauces such as Sauce Diable, simple sauces that function as condiments, or compound butters. These sauces are used because the juices released by grilled meats normally fall into the grill and are lost, making it impossible to prepare an integral sauce.

To prepare sauces that capture the flavor of the grill, partially grill the meat and then finish it in stock or other aromatic liquids. The method is somewhat analogous to braising (where meats are first browned on top of the stove and then moistened) or to a salmis, a technique in which meat, usually game or poultry, is partially roasted, a jus is prepared with the trimmings, and the cooking of the meat is completed by gentle reheating in the flavorful jus.

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