The film Food, Inc. changed our lives. It vividly drove home the detrimental effects of factory farming on the environment, our individual health, and the fabric of families. My husband Dave and I had already been eating paleo for about two months, but seeing that film guaranteed we’d never return to our old habits. We left the theater and drove directly to the grocery store, then spent hours reading labels and re-thinking how we were going to shop.
We made lists of what we could buy at a regular grocery store (pantry items, eggs, and produce) and what would require a trip to a higher-end store like Whole Foods or Sprouts (grass-fed, organic meat). We researched which produce should be organic and which could be conventionally grown. Then we stocked up on coconut aminos and loaded the freezer with grass-fed protein, so we wouldn’t need to visit two grocery stores every week. We also signed up with a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) for a weekly delivery of organic produce to supplement our trips to the store.