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Johnny Scott

Johnny Scott

Sir (Walter) John Scott, Bt. MFH. Sir Johnny (as he is better known) is an author, natural historian, broadcaster, columnist, countryside campaigner, artisan snuff manufacturer and retired hill farmer. He wrote and co-presented the BBC2 series Clarissa and the Countryman with Clarissa Dickson Wright. He writes for a variety of magazines and periodicals on field sports, food, farming, travel, history and rural affairs. A lifetime devotee of the countryside and its sports, he is currently: Joint Master and Chairman, The North Pennine Hunt; Regional Director, Vote OK; President, The Gamekeepers Welfare Trust; President, The Tay Valley Wildfowlers Association; President, The Newcastle Wildfowlers Association; President, The Association of Working Lurchers / Longdogs; Centenary Patron and Honorary Life Member, British Association for Shooting and Conservation; Patron, The Sporting Lucas Terrier Association; Patron, The Wildlife Ark Trust; Patron, The National Organisation of Beaters and Pickers Up; Board member, The European Squirrel Initiative.