Though Elizabeth Raffald served the Honorable Lady Elizabeth Warburton (whom the cookbook is dedicated to) for 15 years, the enterprising writer went on to become a newspaper owner and shop proprietor. Penned in 1769, this instant sensation, which includes recipes for Partridge Soup and Rolled Salmon, along with meticulous table-setting tutorials, is a testament to its author’s grit.
from the publisher
The Experienced English Housekeeper [is] for the use and ease of ladies, housekeepers, cooks; written purely from practice; consisting of several hundred original receipts, most of which never appeared in print is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1795.
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Food historian
Elizabeth was born in Doncaster and was not only responsible for writing what I believe to be the best cookbook of the Georgian era, but also an amazing business woman. She was housekeeper at Arley Hall in Cheshire, to the Warburton family for a number of years and then left with her husband and moved to Manchester. She ran a number of businesses and her cookbook is the first to include a recipe for Bride Cake, that has the combination of fruit cake, marzipan and icing. I find her recipes clear and concise and she is my first choice when wanting to recreate cookery from this period.
Food photographer, writer and graphic designer
A brilliant 18th century work, with cunning recipes like bacon and eggs in jelly (flummery), a birds nest in jelly, playing cards in jelly... Something many chefs today think they invented as something new and exciting. Her instructions are delightful and her history interesting. She can not fail from this list!
Professional food writer and broadcaster
A superb volume from this talented cook and entrepreneur who overcame the limitations of an 18th century kitchen to produce beautifully written recipes for simple and elegant food.
Medieval food historian
Lecturer in the Culinary Arts, Dublin Institute of Technology
Food historian