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Geraldene Holt

Geraldene Holt

Professional food writer and broadcaster
Geraldene Holt's award-winning books and journalism have been have been translated into twelve languages. She is renowned for her practical and thoughtful approach to the domestic skills of baking, country cooking in France and England, and growing and cooking food particularly culinary herbs. Some of her books are considered modern classics in the field. Geraldene originally trained a potter and teacher, until a blizzard swept through the pottery attached to her thatched farmhouse in Devon, destroying months of unfired work. Taking refuge in her warm kitchen, Geraldene began to bake cakes, scones and biscuits to sell in the local market in Tiverton. When a publisher learnt of the success of her cake stall, Geraldene was invited to write her first cookery book which became a Penguin best-seller and was described by the cookery writer, Margaret Costa, as 'a welcome breath of the fresh air of real life'. Thus began Geraldene's new career as a food writer and cookery correspondent for leading magazines and newspapers. Geraldene is a founder member and former vice-president of the UK Guild of Food Writers, founding trustee and presently chair of the Jane Grigson Trust, founding chair of the Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery Trust, visiting fellow in Food Studies at Oxford Brookes University and a founding patron of Oxford Gastronomica, the international centre for the study of food, drink and culture. Geraldene Holt now divides her life between Oxford and the village of Saint Montan in France.

Geraldene's favorite cookbooks

Available on ckbk now
Modern Cookery for Private Families

Modern Cookery for Private Families

Eliza Acton

Eliza Acton's books reveal years of practical experience in a 19th century kitchen. She was a Francophiile with a discriminating palate who understood the challenge and delight of domestic cooking which she described with a fine turn of phrase that is a joy to read..

The Cookery Book of Lady Clarke of Tilleypronie

The Cookery Book of Lady Clarke of Tilleypronie

An astonishing array of Victorian recipes collected by the wife of a diplomat during their foreign postings, mainly in Europe. Said to have been Elizabeth David's favourite cookery book - my copy contains her book plate with several loose pages of her hand-written notes.

The Way to Cook

The Way to Cook

Julia Child

After the structured recipes and formality of Mastering the Art of French Cooking this book is a more personal and enjoyable volume, Julia's wonderful joie de vivre is still a delight.

English Food

English Food

Jane Grigson

Jane Grigson helps to restore our faith in the good food of this country. Full of joyful discoveries and forgotten pleasures.

Available on ckbk now
The Scots Kitchen

The Scots Kitchen

F. Marian McNeill

Unequalled and unique, a bewitching blend of history, culture and fine recipes - I love the concoction known as Edinburgh Fog. This is a book to both treasure and use.

The Classic Italian Cookbook

The Classic Italian Cookbook

Marcella Hazan

Still one of the pinnacles of the literature on Italian cooking, Marcella had a true gift for conveying essential information and valuable insights about how to cook. Her Afterthoughts contain wise words from an inspirational teacher.

Coming to ckbk soon
The Experienced English Housekeeper

The Experienced English Housekeeper

A superb volume from this talented cook and entrepreneur who overcame the limitations of an 18th century kitchen to produce beautifully written recipes for simple and elegant food.

Available on ckbk now
Good Things in England

Good Things in England

Florence White

Florence White was a pioneer, she compiled her book of historic regional recipes, dutifully dated and attributed, as a result of founding the English Folk Cookery Association - a fascinating read.