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An Everlasting Meal: Cooking with Economy & Grace

by Tamar Adler

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Original Publisher
Scribner Book Company
Date of publication

Recommended by

Saasha Celestial-One

Founder, Olio food sharing app

This is a really beautifully written book. Tamar Adler transcends the conventional recipe formula, opting for a more natural and intuitive approach that has more soul than technical ability. There are no step-by-step instructions or long ingredients lists, instead, poetic and personal reflections on food, dotted with recipes of sustaining meals that champion frugality and cherish leftovers.

Emily Dilling

Cookbook author and blogger

A modern day MFK Fisher, Tamar Adler describes the process of cooking with love and passion. The recipes elevate humble ingredients- eggs, onions, a pot of boiling water- into the true treasures they are. It's impossible not to head to the kitchen to try out her recipes every time you put this book down.

Thom Eagle

Chef and writer

Only just a recipe book, in any traditional sense, this makes me want to cook more than any other book on this list.

Tom Hunt


Robert Stephens

Founder, The Geek Squad

Carey Polis

Editor, Bon Appetit