from the publisher
Getting 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day has never been so delicious and easy. Well-known Bay Area cooking instructor, Jennifer Cornbleet, shares her favorite no-cook recipes in quantities ideal for one or two people. With essential time-saving tips and techniques, plus Jennifer's clear instructions, you don't have to toil in the kitchen in order to enjoy nutritious, delicious raw food. * Choose from over 100 foolproof recipes, along with lunch and dinner menu plans. * Enjoy easy recipes that call for common ingredients and basic equipment. * Learn how to avoid health-busters like white sugar, white flour, and trans-fats. * Convert traditional recipes into nutritious treats made from all-natural ingredients. In the Revised Edition: * More than 50 additional recipes. * New chapters on Green Smoothies and Raw On the Go. * Expanded sections on Advance Preparation and Easy Snacks. * Calorie and nutritional information with each recipe.
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