Table by the River

Table by the River

by Dietmar Sawyere

from the publisher

This beautifully illustrated book features more than 200 stunning photographs of recipes, produce, the Berowra Waters Inn and its river setting.If a successful meal is the sum of many parts, then every element comes together in 'A Table by the River'. A culinary journey through the landscape of food, the book celebrates the wonderful food of the internationally acclaimed and award-winning chef, Dietmar Sawyere. He brings together produce and classic cooking techniques to create food full of tastes and textures. The recipes are clearly explained and written and are matched with the most appropriate wines. The chapters follow the stages of a meal from the amuse gueule (a single, bite-sized hors d'œuvre) through crustaceans, vegetables, fish, soup, poultry and game to meat, cheese and petit fours. Throughout, Dietmar muses on his life in food, the workings of a restaurant — from the waitstaff to restaurant critics — and the experiences that brought him to this latest restaurant - Berowra Waters Inn.

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Original Publisher
New Holland
Date of publication