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by Be-Ro Flour
Arguably the mother of all baking booklets, the Be-Ro cookbooks hold fond memories for so many food writers. The edition available on ckbk is the 15th, published in 1951. Classic recipes such as Melting Moments have been popular with millions of British bakers for generations.
from the publisher
First published in 1923, and now in its 41st edition, the "Be-Ro" recipe book is arguably one of the best-selling cookery books ever, with more than thirty eight million copies having been sold.
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Chef, food writer and broadcaster
My dog-eared, well worn booklet is held together with yellowing sticky tape. Even though I don’t often make the melting moment biscuits, pies and dumplings anymore, I could never demote the booklet from my bookshelf. Most of my school cookery lessons in the 1970s were based on recipes from Be Ro book and were the ones that kindled a love of kitchen affairs. The first edition was published in the 1920s and there have been over 40 reprints since then. Sometimes, I make the Australian crunchie as a nod to my childhood. It’s a cornflake, coconut and chocolate traybake, topped with a thick layer of trashy milk chocolate – marvellous.
Food historian
These little Be-Ro books have been published to promote Be-Ro Flour since the 1920's. My "go to" book for simple wholesome baking and I wouldn't be without a copy in my kitchen. When I am out and about visiting community groups with my cook book talk "Off the Beeton Track", it is these little Be-Ro books that hold the fondest memories for people of childhood treats and baking and that is why it is my number 1 choice.
Recipe writer, presenter and blogger
Being given a copy of this slim little booklet (is it a book or a booklet?) is a rite of passage. I remember poring over my Nanna's copy, all brown and curly at the edges. My mother had a suitably 70s edition and I have one from the 90s that's covered in flour, butter and egg stains. Full of no nonsense recipes written in plain English.
Author, historian and chef
I have my Mum's copy and I still use it all the time, good, homely family cooking. Used to cook from it with my Mum.