Yoshiki Tsuji

Yoshiki Tsuji

President, Tsujicho Group

Yoshiki Tsuji was born in Osaka 1964, and was educated in the UK and the USA. He has studied and researched the most recent trends of cuisine throughout the world and used this knowledge to educate the next generation of professional chefs. - Supervised the banquet for the heads of the states at the G8 Kyushu/Okinawa Summit in 2000. - A member of the Research Committee for Contents and Intellectual Properties Cabinet Office in 2004. - A keynote speaker for the “Worlds of Flavor International Conference & Festival (WOF)” held at CIA Napa Valley in 2010. - Served as a president of the jury at chef’s competition “RED U-35” in 2013-2014. - A speaker for “2014 Gourmet Taiwan Summit & Forum” held at Taipei in 2014. - A member of the Examination Committee for the inscription of "Washoku" on the Representive List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

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