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Razor clams in pickled lemon sauce with potato purée

Navajas en escabeche de limón y pure de patatas

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    as a sharing plate
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Appears in
Andaluz: A Food Journey Through Southern Spain

By Fiona Dunlop

Published 2023

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Intriguingly architectural in appearance, this appetizer is perfect for sharing—though may entail a fight over the last clam. There is an incredible mixture of flavors in the sauce, and you can even toss in a few capers for extra bite.


  • 1 thumb-size piece fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • ½ stick lemongrass, grated
  • 1


For the escabeche (pickled sauce), mix the ginger, lemongrass, cayenne, and lemon juice and set aside.

Mash the potatoes with the butter and egg-yolk.

In a small bowl, mix the gomasio, almonds, sesame seeds, and lard, then stir this into the potato purée. Place in a pastry bag.

Heat a grill pan over high heat. Place the razor clams briefly on the pan, just until they sta

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