Lemon stuffed with sardine fillets, sardine roe and black olive caviar

Limão Recheado com Filetes de Sardinha, suas ovas e Caviar de Azeitona Preta

Preparation info
  • Serves


    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Best I(n) Can

By Akis Konstantinidis

Published 2016

  • About


  • 3 lemons
  • 2 cans boneless and skinless sardine fillets
  • 1



Cut the lemons in half and slice the ends so that they can stand upright on a plate. Remove all the pulp with a spoon, leaving the hollow half lemons. Set aside the juice.

In a bowl, roughly break the boneless and skinless sardine fillets with a fork and season with the chopped parsley, chopped mint and lemon peel zest. Mix with a tables