“Black” Pumpernickel

Preparation info
  • Makes


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Better Than Store-Bought: Authoritative recipes that most people never knew they could make at home

By Helen Witty and Elizabeth Schneider

Published 1979

  • About

Most so-called pumpernickels do not contain pumpernickel flour (rye meal), which is essential to authenticity. Except in the most Old World bakeries, pumpernickel is just dyed rye bread. If you yearn to approach the real thing, here’s how.


  • ½ cup plus ½ teaspoon sugar (this will color, not sweeten)
  • ½ cup boiling water


  1. In a small saucepan stir the ½ cup sugar over moderate heat until it reaches a medium-dark brown color; when the entire mass is frothing and seething, pour in the boiling water (avert your face while you do this). Stir to dissolve the caramel; cool.
  2. Mix